COVID-19 has added so many extra layers of complexity to our lives. That’s why, more than ever, we need to communicate from a place of positive intent. What do I mean? Well, there are two sides to this. Firstly, I offer that we should all consider that any piece of communication we receive comes from a place of positive intent. Some
I have been talking with a bunch of people over the past weeks as they work to embrace this current complexity. These folk were mainly CEO’s and Senior leaders. One of the conversations we have been having is how remote working has been going… you know, the digital thing… I have to say that the overwhelming feedback from the people
I have a confession…… Somewhere over the last 3-4 years, I have become a watcher. You know the ones, they sit and observe, the ‘studiers’ of things. In my case humans, humanity, and the systems we make. Not quite sure when it exactly happened but as I am comfortable with this gift I have received, maybe even earned. But that’s for