
It’s not what you say, it’s what other people hear

I remember as a child playing the game, “Chinese Whispers”. We would sit in a circle on the classroom floor. The first person would whisper a simple phrase of two or three words to the person next to them. These words would be whispered from person to person until they reached the person who had initially shared them. Usually, the

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Be mindful of the footsteps you follow

As a child, did you ever go to the beach and marvel at the big footprints your parents made? They had a much longer stride and made a much deeper impression in the sand. It was such fun leaping from one footprint to the next, trying to fit your small foot inside the much larger imprint of someone you looked

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Curiosity May Have Killed The Cat, But it Got Us to The Moon

Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret. Ralph Waldo Emerson Tweet I remember as a child asking the age-old question, “Why?” We seem to be born with an innate curiosity and a need to understand our world. The world is a mysterious place when you’re a child and you are eager to crack its every secret. Curiosity is defined

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The Feet You Sit At Matter

You probably recall as a child sitting at the feet of your teacher. All the children in class would sit cross-legged on the floor while the teacher gave his or her lesson. Or perhaps you sat at the feet of your sports coach, your parents or another adult leader in your life. In our childlike minds, the feet we sat

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